Give us a call on (012) 880 0939 or

fill in our contact form and we will get back to you ASAP!


Can I pay off my SARS debt?

Yes you definitely can, but we advise approaching an experienced tax debt team to handle the application for you. We generally recommend a repayment arrangement a.k.a. deferred payment arrangement.

What is a tax debt compromise?

A tax debt reduced settlement offer is also known as a compromise. This is when you owe, for example, R1 000 000 to SARS, but simply cannot afford to pay it. We take a look at your financial position and recommend a write-off that SARS will find appealing. When doing our consultation, we look at things such as your assets and your debtors to determine what deal benefits you best. We would then offer SARS R400 000 for example, and the remaining R600 000 would be written off, giving you both space and the opportunity to revitalise your business.

What is tax debt management?

Tax debt management is when we assist you or your business in getting your tax affairs in order, and we ensure that they are achievable and realistic. We also manage your expectations.

What is a tax debt repayment plan?

A tax debt repayment plan is when you negotiate to pay your entire tax debt off in instalments that you can afford.

What is a tax debt deferral of payment?

This is simply another name for a tax debt repayment plan.

How can I request SARS to reduce or write-off my tax debt?

You need to submit a lengthy application to SARS, fully stating your financial position and why the debt should be reduced. The application is very detailed, and requires fine-tuning. You can try it yourself, but we generally don’t advise this, as you only get one opportunity.

What do I do if a SARS Debt Collector contacts me?

Take down all of their details, and find out as much as you can about your debt. Do not make any commitments to a SARS Debt Collector until you have spoken us, as we deal with them on your behalf.

How do I make payment arrangements with SARS?

You need to submit a lengthy application to SARS, fully stating your financial position and why you need time to pay the debt off. The application is very detailed, and requires fine-tuning. You can try it yourself, but we generally don’t advise this, as you only get one opportunity.

Can I be arrested for not paying taxes?

Not paying your taxes is a criminal offence – SARS may institute criminal proceedings against you if you do not comply straight away.

Can SARS take money out of my bank account?

Unfortunately, yes they can. They can also send third-party payment instructions to your debtors, ensuring that they receive the money before you do.

Can SARS liquidate my business?

Yes they can. However, if they do not recover the entire debt by doing so, they will continue to legally pursue the directors/members for the remaining debt. SARS is generally not in the business of closing businesses, but if they have to they will.

What documents do I need to submit with my application?

  • Written letter of the history of why the money is owed, where it comes from and why it cannot be paid.
  • Latest financial statements.
  • Updated management accounts.
  • Cash flow forecast for the next 12 months.
  • Detailed bank statements for the last consecutive 6 months.
  • Company registration documents.
  • Lists of:
    • All vehicles
    • All properties owned
    • All other assets
    • All tenders
    • All debtors
    • All creditors
    • All connected party loans
    • Director/Member assets

Can you give me my tax number?

No we unfortunately cannot help you with your tax number, please phone the SARS call centre directly on 0860 1212 19 and they will gladly assist you.

How do I register eFiling?

You can click on this link ( and register, make sure you have your tax details on hand when you do.

Do you work for SARS?

No we are an independent company that helps people and businesses having problems with SARS and tax or VAT debt.


Confirmation of Residential or Business Address

Value Added Tax Registration Application

SPPOA-Special Power of Attorney

EMP101e Application for Registration PAYE SDL UIF


Tax Debt Relief – Tax Guide 2018 / 19